Jaws Ratio Calculator
Answers the Question
Are our income streams growing faster than our expenses?
Calculator for Jaws Ratio
What Is the Jaws Ratio?
The jaws ratio is not actually a ratio, and has little to do with mandibles. Nevertheless, it's an important measure that reveals the relative sizes of a firm's income and expense.
Why Is it Important?
- Often large swings in expenses and income can be predicted by locating small changes.
- All things being equal, firms should be concerned when their rate of growth for expenses approach and surpass the rate of growth for their incomes.
Formula(s) to Calculate Jaws Ratio
Common Mistakes
- When income and expense are measured in different orders of magnitude, relatively insignificant changes in income or expense could yield to wild swings in jaws ratio values.
- Firms that invest heavily in research and development may find themselves with poor jaws ratio values, even though R&D will often lead to higher levels of future income.
- Some firms use accounting trickery to present the appearance of hockey-stick growth. Jaws ratios should not always be taken at face value.